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Lesson Three: Mastering Wish Lists 🌠

These are no ordinary wish lists, folks. These are feature-packed wish lists to help you plan and organize your campaigns, share with others, and get buy-in. Let’s unpack that:

First, you gotta create a wish list. To do this, simply click “Add to wish list” from any product details page. Then, click the “create a new wish list” button and give it a name to help you (and others) decipher what’s in there. (For example: August newsletter, Code Awareness, Sales Team Compliance Training)

Lesson Three - Mastering Wish Lists (Step 1)

You can create as many wish lists as you need to organize all your projects!

Pro tip: Don’t forget to check the “share wish list” box if you want to, you know, share it!

Lesson Three - Mastering Wish Lists (Step 2)


You can edit your list settings anytime. You can change the name or share setting at any time by clicking “manage wish lists” and then “edit.”


After you’ve finished adding all your amazing selections to your wish list, you’re one click away from sharing the list with teammates. This is handy when working together on making final selections or getting approvals. Simply view your wish list and copy the link by clicking the “Copy link” button:

Lesson Three - Mastering Wish Lists (Step 3)


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