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New Employee Orientation Slides [March 2020 Gift]


Yay! Another free gift!!

It's March, so you're probably welcoming lotsa new hires to your company. (2019 bonuses being paid + 2020 headcount = new employees starting!)

So now you need to introduce these new folks to your freakin' amazing compliance team.

If you're a Compliance Design Club Member in March 2020, go check your account—Broadcat's free gift for March is waiting for you, and you'll make the best first impression with it.

That's right, this month it's ...


Broadcat's New Employee Orientation Slides!

This simple guide brings new hires up to speed on your company's compliance program QUICKLY. Added bonus: it does so without overwhelming them.

(Or making them hate the compliance team.)


Real talk: new employees aren't concerned about the compliance function in the first week—or month—of their job. They're more concerned about whether YouTube is blocked on the company network.

That's why we made our New Employee Orientation Slides. Use these to hit the basics of your compliance program: introducing that you have a team, you have a Code, and you have a helpline.

That way you flag that compliance is part of how your company does work—and that it'll be an ongoing discussion, not a one-time event.

So when these new employees get around to "how do I do my job compliantly," they'll remember the friendly (and short!) convo they had with their compliance team—not the mountain of irrelevant data some goober dumped on them on Day One just to check the box.

And don't forget: when you grab these slides, you get editable versions—so you can brand the heck outta them and make your marketing team love you!


Two ways to get it!

For free: Already a Compliance Design Club Member in March 2020? Go check your account, you genius, it’s already there! (And if you join before April, we’ll send it to you directly FOR FREE!)

For 10 tokens: Is it after April 1st and you’re still not a Member? 

First, get on that! Get started here.

Second, all is not lost: you can still buy it with 10 tokens. Yup, your compliance team will have a quality introduction to new hires, and you'll STILL have plenty of tokens to spare!

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